A refreshing burst of colours on the classic and glamourous backdrop of The Halifax Club. Delicious fruit scattered throughout the warm brass details gives this wedding a lively, modern and celebratory feel.
Creative Team:
Shoot Coordinator Meaghan MacDonald
Venue The Halifax Club @halifaxclub
Photographer Ashley Macphee @ashleymacpheephotography
Props Macfarlands @macfarlandsevents
Makeup Artist Laura @makeupatlast
Hair Stylist Morgan Dimmock @morgandimmockhair
Gowns Chester & Felicity @chesterandfelicity
Spray Tan Jenn @tanontherunhalifax
Jewellery FireWorks Gallery @fireworksgallery
Cake Teaspoon Cake Shop @teaspooncakeshop
Stationery Lupin Design Studio @lupindesignstudio
Models @alevangie18 @cjtanninen @brandimamaa